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Stunning stained glass windows

Writer: Erol MehmetErol Mehmet

All through history the term ‘stained glass windows’ has been used in connection with churches and other significant religious buildings. ‘Stained glass’ is simply glass with added metallic salts during its production.

There are beautiful stained glass windows in buildings all over the world.

Such as...

Most recently, and sadly, in the news we have seen the damage to Notre-Dame Cathedral in France. We were relieved to hear that some of the stunning stained glass windows in such a loved and cherished place of worship weren’t damaged by the colossal fire. What a shocking series of events unfolded that day and to watch the spire of the Cathedral collapse was upsetting for a lot of people. They stood in their hundreds and thousands, stunned and some in tears watching the flames rise up from the building.

It took 200+ years to build the Cathedral, a building that is recognised and admired by all nations. A historical place of worship that will be rebuilt through the donations and support from people and organisations world-wide.

Out of curiosity and interest, we have looked at many buildings around the world that are renowned for their stained glass window designs.

According to, 7 of the world's most beautiful stained glassed windows are in the following buildings:

1. La Sagrada Familia - Barcelona, Spain

4. Sainte Chapelle - France

5. Santuario Dom Bosco - Brazil

7. Reims Cathedral - Reims, France

It is worth visiting the websites of those buildings or just searching for their images because they are stunning!

The question that comes straight to our minds is 'how do they clean those beautiful and historical windows?'.

Some of the designs tell stories, others are impressive pieces of artwork and so high up!

It would take more than a squeegee and a pure water pole system to make those stained glass windows shine.

Stained glass windows or designs within a window became quite fashionable about 15 years ago when people would opt to have a design such as a peacock or flowers in their house windows or front door glass panel.

Stained glass is cleaned very similarly to how you clean regular window glass. Of course, the key factor is how much pressure you put on the glass, especially on small old pieces of stained glass.


If you want to clean your stained glass windows, begin with a soft, dry cloth (pure cotton is best) and wipe away any dirt and debris by rubbing the cloth over the entire window pane to reveal the pretty shades underneath. It's advisable not to use glass cleaning products with ammonia in. Buff the glass with a dry cloth, take a step back and admire the design.

People are like stained glass windows, they sparkle and shine when the sun is out but when darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.

Do you have any questions about your windows?

Call us today for advice.




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